TX Family Attorney Near Me

When searching for a Colleyville TX Family Attorney Near Me, it can be hard to find exactly what you’re looking for. Family legal issues can be quite complex. Furthermore, some family law attorneys only deal with one or two practice areas. If you have a case that involves many different areas of law, you might not get the help that you need from them.

In fact, even if your legal matters fall into their area of specialization, they might not be the best equipped to help you. For example, a divorce case often involves many other legal matters. Other legal fields that you may come across during your divorce proceedings include child custody, child support, spousal support, estate planning, and even more. If your divorce attorney doesn’t have knowledge in those areas, how can he or she help you? And even if the attorney has the knowledge, do they also possess the years of experience required to handle your case successfully.

As you can see, your best chances at achieving a fair, equitable outcome rest in the hands of a well-rounded attorney. Fortunately, The Fetty Firm handles a wide range of family law cases, from adoption to wills. No matter what stage of life the client is who needs our assistance, our law firm can handle your case. Other Tarrant County law offices may not be as equipped to assist you. In fact, you may have even consulted with an attorney who then informed you that they couldn’t assist you with your case. That’s a sign that you need to call The Fetty Firm.

Colleyville TX Estate Planning

Why Might You Need A Colleyville TX Family Attorney Near Me?

The reasons a person may need a family law attorney are almost too numerous to count. If you have family law matters dealing with your family, aside from matters only a criminal defense attorney can handle, you should call us. Below we outline a few of our most common family legal services. However, the list is far from exhaustive.

Spousal Support

Many people are familiar with child custody agreements. However, some don’t know that there is also a legal option for a spouse to petition for spousal support, as well. Usually, special conditions must be met in order for a spouse to receive spousal support from their partner. For example, the petitioning spouse may have a mental or physical disability that inhibits their ability to work and support themselves financially. Also, partners who have committed domestic violence against a spouse or their child may be ordered to pay spousal support. Whether you intend to apply for spousal support or are standing on the other side of this issue, you’ll benefit from having a family lawyer. Texas courts will try to make a fair agreement, but a lawyer who has consulted with you directly can more successfully argue your case to the judge.

Colleyville TX Family Attorney Near Me

Adoption, Child Custody, and Termination of Parental Rights

The Fetty Firm represents clients who need assistance with matters pertaining to child custody, including divorce agreements. You may need to reach a custody agreement with your partner following a terminated marriage. But divorce isn’t the only time that you might need to deal with custody issues. For example, if you’re interested in adoption, you may want a family law attorney. Any missteps in the adoption process can cause you a lot of stress, and in the worst case, require you to relinquish custody.

Therefore, you want to make sure that you hire an attorney that is familiar with all types of adoptions. The Fetty Firm can assist you, whether you desire a closed, open, or international adoption. Even if you aren’t sure which method of adoption you prefer, call our law office. We can explain the different processes and benefits of each adoption method and help you decide which is best for your family.

You’ll also need a lawyer familiar with unique custody cases if you’re dealing with an issue regarding parental rights. Sometimes, a parent wished to relinquish their rights to another person. In other circumstances, the parent may be asked to relinquish their rights but not want to. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the court to make the best decision on behalf of the child. However, both parties often disagree on what exactly the best decision is. In either case, The Fetty Firm can represent you and your best interests.

Estate Planning

Estate planning may seem like a personal issue, but it affects your entire family. Without a will, your family may have to deal with the probate process for months before receiving your assets. While the Fetty Firm is happy to represent your family in probate court, you can still save a lot of time by clearly outlining your wishes in a legal will. In fact, when you carefully plan your state, many of your assets can stay out of probate court completely.

When it comes to planning your estate, your finances aren’t the only thing to consider. You can also outline your medical wishes and designate a guardian for your minor children. Without a designation of guardianship, your child may not end up in the best care. If you don’t finalize a medical power of attorney, the doctor may make medical plans that you don’t agree with. In either case, you have no control over the situation. When that happens, your family may have to call The Fetty Firm to try to repair some of the damages. However, you can help your family avoid many stressful situations with a few legal documents.

Colleyville TX Child Custody Lawyer

Why Call The Fetty Firm?

Rashelle Fetty opened The Fetty Firm immediately after she finished with her school of law program and passed the state bar exam. Since 2013, she has represented clients in Colleyville, Fort Worth Texas, and surrounding areas. She brings her vast experience into every consultation and courtroom. Whether you need to draft and finalize a document or need strong representation, Fetty can assist you. If you’re looking for a Colleyville TX Family Attorney Near Me, call us at (214) 546-5746 or use our online form to contact us.

Colleyville TX Fun Facts

  • Colleyville is known for its common sense rural charm.
  • Many notable PGA golfers call Colleyville their home.
  • Dallas Forth Worth Texas airport is fewer than 5 miles away.
  • Click here to learn more about Colleyville.

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