
January 18, 2021

Can I Get Spousal Support in My Divorce?

If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Texas, or if your spouse has already filed for divorce and you have been served with divorce papers, you may be worried about how you will be able to afford your bills and other expenses without help from your spouse. In many marriages, one of the […]

November 13, 2020

Parenting Plans at the Holidays

Whether you are in the process of developing a parenting plan for the holidays as part of your Texas divorce, or you are a recently divorced parent, you might have concerns about parenting plans at the holidays. How do you develop a schedule that allows both you and the other parent to spend time with […]

September 29, 2020

5 Things to Know About Wills in Texas

Everyone in Texas should have a will, regardless of their age or their health. While many people assume that it only makes sense to work with an estate planning lawyer on a will as you get older or when you learn you are sick, nobody can plan precisely for the future. As such, it is […]

January 24, 2020

The Reason for Terminating Parental Rights

There are several reasons for terminating parental rights. A father may have found out a child is not biologically his or a parent may not be suited to raise a child. Regardless, there are many reasons for terminating parental rights. The Fetty Firm is capable of helping you terminate those rights. The Texas court system […]

January 22, 2020

What is Spousal Support?

Divorces may end a relationship, but there are times when the two may still interact. One such interaction could be spousal support. Relationships are not always even financially. One partner may have a better paying job than the other, and so there is an imbalance. A divorce could lead one person financially unstable, and so […]

January 20, 2020

Why Would You Modify Your Child Custody Orders?

There are various types of child custody that you could be enrolled in. Regardless of the type, you may want to fight for a modification in your child custody order. This process must be done in court and may be for the following reasons: Current child support orders Existing custody orders Existing visitation orders Medical […]

January 9, 2020

Why You Should Adopt a Child

Deciding to adopt a child is an extremely big decision and a long process. The Fetty Firm can help future parents traverse the complicated adoption process. Rashelle Fetty has great experience in family court, which makes her the perfect lawyer for the job. Fetty has received various recognitions, such as her 2020 Texas Rising Star […]

October 28, 2019

Are You Ready to Adopt?

Adoption is an excellent alternative for those unable to have their own children. There are a lot of kids in the foster care system that need homes. Once they turn 18, a transitional period begins. However, due to the unstable home environment, most foster children suffer from high rates of teen pregnancy, homelessness, substance abuse, […]

October 25, 2019

3 Tips for Estate Planning

Death is a scary topic for most people. It is important to plan what happens to your estate once you die. It makes the process of dealing with your assets after you are gone an easier one. Luckily, there are three ways you can keep this process relatively simple without it being a strung-out hassle. […]

October 23, 2019

More About The Fetty Firm

The Fetty Firm is dedicated to providing you the best family-oriented law firm services in the Colleyville, Texas area. Our firm is able to provide services in numerous family matters such as divorce, child support, child custody, probate process, estate planning. You will get special attention because we are a small firm with big firm […]